1、Everest Snowman foundling, blocked septic tanks.

2、Hospital swage mainly comes from septic tanks of sickroom,clinic . emergency, ward faundry etc.

3、Designed to accommodate pumping three average sized septic tanks before dumping without the maintenance or cost of additional axles.

4、Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses are widely spread in septic tanks, sewage sludge, wastewater and other sources.

5、Minustah, the UN’s peacekeeping force in Haiti, is investigating a claim that septic tanks at one of its bases leaked into a tributary of the Artibonite.

6、A new dilemma is emerging, however, in coastal areas where residents do not have sewage hookups and must put their wastes in septic tanks instead.

7、Paragraph 8.2 The preceding sewerage does not include treatment facilities for polluted water, septic tanks, and filtration ponds owned or operated by the facility operator.

8、We will be quality products, excellent after-sales service with you one after the completion of a high standard of septic tanks!

9、The United Nations is investigating claims the cholera outbreak emanated from septic tanks at a camp near the central town of Mirebalais, where many of the Nepalese soldiers are based.

10、In a study of water quality in Brunswick County, North Carolina, which has many septic tanks in the sandy soil( up to20 per hectare), Cahoon found high fecal coliform counts in the freshwater and seawater downstream from the dense residential sites.