1、Everyone hates quantitative easing.

2、He hates foreign people.

3、She hates making mistakes.

4、How he hates them!

5、Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys!

6、Our cat hates being handled.

7、Jack Bauer fucking hates lemonade.

8、He hates being pushed around.

9、He just hates being housebound.

10、That's why your waitress hates you.

11、Achilles Heel: Sidney hates phones, surely.

12、She hates him that cellular phone.

13、Perhaps predictably, business hates the idea.

14、This thinks is hates, hatefully from where?

15、Perhaps Big Boss hates "grown-ups" because he hates other people telling him what to do?

16、Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth.

17、The world is a place of enmity, the world hates Jesus, the world hates the disciples, the world hates you if you're a follower of Jesus.

18、She hates doing the same work day after day.

19、Jack: I'd better not. Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys!

20、A selfish person loves to borrow but hates to lend.

21、The prison guard hates him and gives him bad food.

22、God hates sin, but God loves the sinner.

23、He is an extrovert while she is an introvert. He likes parties while she hates them.

24、As a bit unworldly singer, Pushu hates commercial advertising, social activities, and false faces.

25、But like his longtime girlfriend, who rarely comes to games, Mr Nadal hates publicity.

26、I don't think Fleur minded. You know how much she hates Celestina Warbeck.

27、Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness.

28、A companion? 'he cried;' when she hates me, and does not think me fit to wipe her shoon!

29、The fact that Petunia hates animals is very telling indeed, as the Wizarding world is simply filled with animals.

30、Through the years, Dolan is willing to take substantial criticism and visceral dissent because he hates being proven wrong.