1、regular script in Big characters

2、My brother writes very beautiful regular script in small characters.

3、The official script in calligraphy is a transition between seal character, and regular script.

4、However, Wang Xizhi's main contribution is regular script, running hand and slightly cursive script.

5、Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.

6、Running is a cross between a cursive font with regular script, no regular script between neat, no cursive so as beyond recognition.

7、Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai (regular script) characteristics.

8、Please fill the form clearly with regular script. Thank you for your cooperation.

9、It worships the practical calligraphy style like a seal character, official script and regular script and worships the calligraphy methods with practical attitude.

10、His "running script" or "regular script" works were often seen to copy "Lan Ting Xu" (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion) by Wang Xizhi.

11、Money letter "Qianlong reign to the word from the regular script writing, while the right and left reading."

12、"The major ones are the following three. The first is Kaishu meaning "regular script."Caoshu is the second, or called "grass script,"characters are executed swiftly and the strokes flow together in a cursive manner."

13、His personal style helped him reach the immortal status in the field of regular script and become one of the most influential calligraphy masters in Chinese calligraphy history.

14、Before us, to phenomena of calligraphy, it contains: work, grass hand or regular script. what is its structure? what is its estate?

15、Formation of the three different forms of regular script is not only related to the developing situation of the society at that time, but also has some connections with then aesthetic taste.

16、 When I was a teenager, this kind of brushwork was still popular, but now I want to use regular script to make it easier, because I am familiar with it, and I have not been able to change it abruptly for a while.

17、Meanwhile, Weng emphasized again and again the Beibei (stone inscription of North Wei Dynasty) as the ancestry of Ou Yangxun and Zhu Suiliang’s Kaishu (regular script), which played a certain progressive historical role in the formation of the style of stone inscription.