1、Complementary to the three additive light primaries, there are three subtractive primaries.

2、the presidential primaries

3、As for 'crossed primaries' I don't know!

4、closed primaries strengthen party unity.

5、Fifteen states have moved their primaries back.

6、Florida and Michigan held primaries in January that Clinton won.

7、Fears about this radicalising effect of partisan primaries lay behind the victory on the same day of a ballot measure, Proposition 14, to change to open primaries.

8、With pencil primaries, you can't decide what to do.

9、Now that the primaries are over, the issues have changed.

10、Former presidents don’t usually intervene in state primaries with eight months to go.

11、On Wednesday, his Kadima party began the process for primaries to replace him.

12、In May it announced that it would hold its primaries on January 29th.

13、The subrogation of primaries will not bring serious velocity fluctuation if the design is appropriate.

14、Just over the state line Mississippians also voted for challengers in primaries for each of the state's four congressional districts.

15、Nearly that many are up for grabs on February 5th (" Super Tuesday "), when 21 states hold Republican primaries or caucuses.

16、If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Republican primaries into utter confusion.

17、To register(someone)or be registered as a candidate in the primaries of more than one political party.

18、That happened last Wednesday, when moderate Tzipi Livni won a narrow victory in the Kadima party primaries.

19、They ended Barack Obama's winning streak of 11 consecutive primaries and caucuses (12 if you count Vermont, which he won early on Tuesday evening).

20、In addition, removing multiples, refractions and primaries with K-L transformation can avoid removing the useful waves together with interfering waves and keep the useful shallow seismic information.

21、But broadcast presidential debates,both in the primaries and in the general election,are now routine and expected by the American people.

22、The results of the August primaries as well as recent polls have been boding ill for the FPV, which may be in for its worst-ever showing.

23、Obama is expected to hold a significant lead over Clinton in the delegate count when the primaries end on June 3.

24、There are a number of factors that people look at; we have delegates selected by millions of people in primaries and delegates selected by a few thousand people in caucuses.

25、Additive primary colours: Refer to the colour of light. Red, green and blue lights are called additive primary colours because by the combination of these three primaries in different proportion, various coloured lights will produce.

26、The positive is a recording of the other additive primaries, red and blue, the combination of which is magenta. The positive, or the printing plate, is therefore called the magenta printer.

27、Things could go wrong even in the primaries: ask Howard Dean, who seemed unstoppable for the Democratic ticket at Christmas 2003, before it all went wrong one night in Des Moines.

28、Mr Reed then had the idea of changing the primaries so that they ceased being a "nominating process" and became instead a simple mechanism to find the top two vote-getters.