1、greenhouse warming

2、He does not mean that a comparative lack of warming over the past decade shows greenhouse warming has stopped.

3、This was probably the first paper to convince many scientists that they needed to think seriously about greenhouse warming.

4、Thawing permafrost leads to releases of methane and other carbon compounds that can reach the atmosphere and increase greenhouse warming.

5、You argue that attempts to attribute the degree of local changes, for example declines in individual plant and animal species, specifically caused greenhouse warming are misguided. Why?

6、Because in real systems, all these things interact, we just can't know exactly how much of a local change is due to greenhouse warming.

7、But, for those of a nervous disposition, the tying of an ancient greenhouse warming to an ancient mass extinction might suggest lessons for the future.

8、This means that in a world where greenhouse warming is wetting the atmosphere, the lower parts of the atmosphere should warm at a greater rate than the surface, most notably in the tropics.

9、Of course, without some greenhouse warming, the earth would be a cold, dead place, but too much CO2 accelerates the effect and could make the earth too hot to be habitable.