1、Network time out.

2、In the spring time out they peep.

3、Have all cache entries time out.

4、One team asked for time out to discuss a plan.

5、The robber asked for a "time out" using hand signals.

6、That practice has been going on time out of mind.

7、Each time out was a continuation, not a repetition.

8、The "trusted" attribute could be cancelled by a log out, or it could simply time out.

9、Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out.

10、The socialization whereas to know each other, to create bounds and relationships and also let time out, let time out to learn.

11、The data retrieval service will time out if the data source does not respond within the duration you specify. Specify the time-out in seconds.

12、Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out. Sometimes it is now or never.

13、Staying away from debatable content is a good idea the first time out.

14、In 2004 Mr Jobs took time out after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

15、So you should especially take time out to care for them.

16、He took time out from campaigning to accompany his mother to dinner.

17、I feel guilty taking time out of my workday to go to a job interview.

18、In the same way we put children in "time out" when they show signs of being stressed out or overly tired, we could benefit just as much.