1、the inky darkness of a moonless night

2、It's a and moonless night.

3、A moonless night is best.

4、A black, moonless night.

5、It was a dark, moonless night.

6、It was a cold, moonless night.

7、Before you, my life was like a moonless night.

8、It's a dark and moonless night.

9、It was a silent, moonless night.

10、I often have dreams a moonless and starless dark night.

11、It was a moonless night, and the room looked darker.

12、The accident happened on a pitch - dark night, moonless and starless.

13、The now moonless sky was drenched with bursts of light from big lamps.

14、I often have dreams, especially on a moonless and starless dark night.

15、The annual Perseid meteor shower reached its peak mid-August, with a moonless sky providing near-perfect observing conditions.

16、On a dark, moonless November night, let the Great Square of Pegasus guide you to the Circlet of Pisces.

17、On a moonless night, Capricornus' loop of stars looks like an arrowhead etched onto the blackboard of night!

18、Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason.

19、A full moon can be a savior for reducing the required exposure time and allowing for extended depth of field, while a moonless night greatly increases star visibility.

20、The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness.

21、In the moonless night Jinding, dark rock body photo, suddenly saw a light such as beans, move slowly, gradually became gradually to the million points.

22、 At the end of October, the sky was dark, starless and moonless. Due to a drizzle in the afternoon, there was still a wet air in the air. The wind blew and the cold was penetrating.

23、And a moonless sky means this is a good time to get out into the country for a look at the summer Milky Way: the edgewise view into our own galaxy.

24、With each step I took, the more endless seemed the road. I longed to meet someone on the way, yet dreaded it too; for on a moonless night you could hear footsteps before anyone appeared - till a figure sprang up without warning out of the ground.