1、a childlike directness of speech

2、"Yes." He still found Gwen's directness disconcerting.

3、In a way, I appreciated the directness.

4、She was taken aback by his directness.

5、I like the openness and directness of northerners.

6、Directness and Indirectness--A Unity of Opposites in Language Application;

7、'What's that?' she asked with her usual directness.

8、There was an unceremonious directness, a searching, decided steadfastness in his gaze now.

9、Strickland had the directness of the fanatic and the ferocity of the apostle.

10、A Query on Directness of Market Administration and Indirectness of Macro Control;

11、Thisness in Philosophy: The Directness and Indirectness and the Conditions for Their Realization;

12、Generally Speaking, Bacon's literary style has three prominent qualities: directness, terseness, and forcefulness.

13、Two traits in particular that cause cross-cultural misunderstanding are directness and impatience on the part of the American negotiator.

14、It is difficult to make a directness certification of compartmental oil driving water while oil invading water like piston forwarding.

15、The retort was a harsh one, but it attained its mark with the directness of a point of steel.

16、For example, Americans tend to assume that everyone else in the world is equally committed to directness in interpersonal communications.

17、Here, the human body is displayed with spontaneity and directness, like one of the many natural elements that blend min with the landscape.

18、Under the guidance of this principle, their strategy to Chinese shows a feature of changing from indirectness to directness, and from part to whole.

19、The person who insistently fixed his eyes on our face is often more successful in arousing our dislike than impressing us with his directness and sincerity.

20、From the directness of his words and the tone, I suspected he was trying to shoo me away from his home and his neck of the woods.

21、The directness of speech is of different levels. In interaction, it is important for the speaker to use a proper level of indirectness, which depends on the social'distance between self and other.

22、Based on the speciality of directness, high belief and strong comparason of data, the article focuses on the importance of carrying out the patriotism education to students by using representative historical data in different periods.

23、The young man much resented this directness of attack, and in the war of words which followed when they met he did not scruple publicly to insult Mr Clare, without respect for his gray hairs.

24、on the 500Hpa circulation pattern, one rainstorm is belongs to west-south airflow and the other belongs to west low-trough but the directness react system on 700Hpa is alike.