1、disturbing environmental influences

2、His influences were eclectic.

3、The weather influences crops.

4、Fence out unwholesome influences

5、Heredity and environment are influences on character.

6、Western influences are creeping in as well.

7、Yet we can reverse such influences.

8、How Disadvantage Group influences Stability of Xinjiang;

9、It influences dispersion of the population.

10、Wettability not only influences sweep efficiency, but also influences remaining oil distribution.

11、Body weight at point of lay influences yolk size, which, in turn, influences egg weight.

12、Circumstance temperature influences the function of retarder for concrete apperantly.

13、Market economics has influences on developing the wood standardization.

14、You need to be refreshed by outside influences.

15、Those same evolutionary influences persist in modern life.

16、It directly influences speed, productiveness and benefit of mining.

17、Macroeconomic forces have regular influences on stock prices by way of their influences on expected future cash flows.

18、I haven't captured the most critical influences, the influences that were most significant to his political thinking?

19、The diameter of seedling greatly influences the cutting resistance and the rotation speed greatly influences the cutting-out rate.

20、Taking the perspective of social psychologists, March and Simon (1958) are interested in what influences impinge upon individuals from their environment and how individuals respond to such influences.

21、The basic causes of adolescents' deviant behaviors include the following such as individual internal reasons, influences from partner-relationships, and influences from families and the society.

22、The correct usage of vibrating roller not only influences the engineering quality, but also influences the usage life and failure rate of the machinery.

23、The influences of the reactant proportion and reacting condition on the yield were also studied.

24、The obstacles of implementing SABM are from the influences of macro factors and also micro factors.

25、Whether Auditor reputation influences share pricing--Evidence from IPO market in China