1、Two isolates of C. gloeosporioides formed an outgroup in outside of C. musae group.

2、Before we can use outgroup comparison, we need to know something about the phylogeny.

3、If the character state in the outgroup is ancestral, the fewest evolutionary events are required.

4、In fact we may even go out of our way to do the opposite of an outgroup.

5、Standard sources of bias against people with foreign names were removed (e.g. outgroup bias) by the way they set up the experiment.

6、ITS sequences of ten kinds of Iris plants and an outgroup were obtained by primer design, PCR, gene cloning, sequencing and cluster analysis.

7、Science tries to define its membership on the basis of inclusion, rather than exclusion; work on altruism suggests, worryingly, that communities more normally need an outgroup to form against.