1、Don't rush off, I haven't finished.

2、Is it that late already? We simply must rush off

3、I really hate to rush off like this.

4、So rush off and find some good quotes to discuss with your child.

5、Don't jump up and rush off, but mingle your mindfulness with everyday life.

6、Be careful who you tell, don't rush off and tell everyone straight away - you might regret telling them later.

7、Finally the penny drops and a collective "ahh" is emitted as two women and the rickshaw driver rush off excitedly.

8、Did you rush off to work this morning without taking the time to really taste that cup of coffee?

9、Oh, I'm sorry to have to rush off like this, but I'll see you again soon, anyway.

10、But no. They show off some very poor raw data and then rush off to dilute the experiment a trillion fold and claim to see the same signal.

11、Before you rush off to practice your attributional processes or work on your demand-withdrawal patterns, it's useful to know some limitations of this research

12、The London mayor then wheeled out the facile mantra that bankers must be allowed to do as they please in the City of London lest they rush off to Paris or Frankfurt.

13、It was just restlessness. She would rush off across the park, abandon Clifford, and lie prone in the Bracken. To get away from the house...she must get away from the house and everybody. The work was her one refuge, her sanctuary.