1、The wild veggies with rich chlorophyll.

2、Can you eat more fruits & veggies?

3、Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

4、Expect noodles, rice, sticky coated chicken and Fried veggies.

5、The exceptions: Salads and veggies without added fat.

6、Eat lots of veggies and fruits for beautiful, glowing skin.

7、A root vegetable is what we call veggies that grow underground.

8、So this week I mostly slept, meditated, and ate lots of raw fruits and veggies.

9、As an alternative, go for some grapefruit slices, celery sticks, or steamed veggies.

10、Perhaps our ancestors did the same, boosting their brainpower with veggies.

11、Tori Ritchie says it's great year-round, and for fish and veggies, too.

12、Or eat a thin crust pizza with lots of veggies instead of a deep dish pizza with a thick crust.

13、Fried brown rice - fry up with olive oil, Onions, mushrooms, green veggies, tofu, soy sauce or tamari sauce. You can throw in some corn or carrots or other veggies.

14、Try veggies in place of a meat dish once a week and the dollars will add up.

15、That tone comes from carotenoids in the fruit and veggies, which are linked to better immune defenses and reproductive health.

16、I will ask the waitress to have the chef throw on any raw veggies he may have in the kitchen.

17、And make sure you're snacking on healthy foods, like fruits and veggies, not junk food, which can trigger hunger.

18、Add the celery, carrots, salt and pepper to the pot. Cook until the veggies are soft, another 10 minutes or so.

19、Consider food scraps-those bits and pieces of leftover fruit, veggies, meat, and yes, even cheese, that you'd normally throw away or compost.

20、Despite what generations of parents have told their kids, carrots aren't the best food for your eyes. That honor goes to spinach, kale, and other dark, leafy veggies.

21、This trait gives us an advantage when a spread consists of low-cal, filling fare such as veggies and lean protein.

22、Other great choices are veggies from the cruciferous family, which include cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. And you can try new ways to use these vegetables.

23、And then there are the mobile food stalls and carts: grilled meat and seafood and veggies, liangpi (cold noodles), fried rice and noodles, bingtanghulu (candied haw on a stick)…

24、I'd heat my abode with scavenged wood burned in a woodburner made from an old gas bottle and I had a compost toilet to make "humanure" for my veggies.

25、What we enjoyed the most about this pasta salad was the feeling that we were actually eating a SALAD with all those veggies and not just a glob of pasta.

26、You u're more likely to keep a positive resolution than a restrictive one. ("I will eat an extra service of fruits and veggies every day" over "I will never eat chocolate again.

27、Vegetable juices, on the other hand, can also benefit your weight loss efforts in the long run and it is a known fact that the most suitable type of veggies for weight loss are the cruciferous ones.

28、Beginning lunch with a strategic appetizer, like some bowls of raw veggies, will help fill the big eater child's stomach before he begins his pasta, even better if it is put in a smaller plate: it reduces the portions though it maintains the “full plate” effect.