1、Annie Brackett: Still spooked?

2、Sunset Boulevard (Charles Brackett &Billy Wilder and D.M. Marshman Jr.)

3、Annie Brackett: That's probably all he can do!

4、Annie Brackett: God, cant he take a joke?

5、Annie Brackett: I HATE a guy with a car and no sense of humor.

6、And there is Master Brackett, the old jailer, nodding and smiling at me.

7、Sheriff Leigh Brackett: Every kid in Haddonfield thinks this place is haunted.

8、Sheriff Leigh Brackett: Its Halloween, everyones entitled to one good scare.

9、Annie Brackett: [Michael Myers's car cruises by the girls walking home from school] Hey, jerk! SPEED KILLS!

10、Brackett said the use of manure as a fertilizer for produce typically consumed raw, such as spinach, is not in keeping with good agricultural practices.