1、He broke off his engagement to her.

2、I broke off with my girlfriend.

3、Barry broke off in mid-sentence.

4、The knob broke off in her hand.

5、When the war broke out, the two countries broke off their diplomatic relations.

6、Several South american states broke off diplomatic relations with Germany

7、Cause that Cup Europe broke off abruptly last night!

8、He broke off the paint on the car.

9、Contract negotiations between Ukraine and Russia broke off December 31 and have yet to resume.

10、Keith opened the wrapper, and broke off a piece and handed it to me.

11、When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to be in a flat spin.

12、In this way, they broke off pieces from one of the stones.

13、In the Evening Songs, without thinking of it, I somehow broke off this habit.

14、"I would want to know that my -" he broke off in mid-sentence, his voice choking on the words.

15、My teacher broke off for a few seconds til he found proper words to make his idea clearer.

16、In February last year a 164 - square-mile chunk broke off. Then in May another slab of ice, this time measuring 62 square miles, fell away.

17、Every shot caught Fuwei by surprise. Even if it barely stopped, it was also a weapon that broke off and seriously injured.

18、When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to go into a flat spin. He was hardly ever sober for three months.

19、After the coating broke off, the instantaneous heat builds up and softens the substrate's bonding phase, which results in breaking off of hard phase particles and sharp wear of substrate.

20、On his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. Then he broke off the twig and took it with him.

21、Tu Chu-chai broke off inconclusively and flicked the ash off his cigar. Then he turned to gaze out of the window at the rain, which was coming down in sheets, although the sky seemed to be clearing slightly.

22、Friends broke off and broke off, never back the mouth cheap, when the first good, she was also desperate for you, don't see anyone who said she is not good, bad people at the original people trust you and you as a friend?

23、The sound of the piano broke off, and as he tried to open his eyes to sober himself, he heard only whispers in his ear, like the voice of a queen, but much younger.

24、Separately, Michael Holm, a spokesman for the company, said a portion of the blade on the first prototype of its V112 wind turbine broke off late yesterday in Denmark.

25、Li Yu-ting broke off helplessly here, for Chao Po-tao suddenly gave a derisive laugh; he tilted back his head and blew a cloud of cigar smoke, his flabby face wrinkling with amusement.

26、"I waited there till daybreak but he didn't turn up-" she began with a shake of her head, but just then a gust of wind took her breath away and she broke off in the middle of what she was saying.

27、Nuwa came out to save the world. She melted rocks of colours to mend the sky. She broke off the legs of a giant turtle and used them to support the four corners of the fallen sky. She killed the black dragon to save the people and checked the flood with reed ashes.

28、I say, I observed the tears run down his face very plentifully, and especially when he spoke of my brother who was kill'd; and that when he spoke of my having leisure to repent, and none to assist me, he was so mov'd, that he broke off the discourse