1、Recently, the events of dairy product showed the missing of social responsibility in dairy enterprises.

2、Dairy cake is a traditional dairy product of lunan district in Yunnan.

3、Purifying dairy product waste water by batch activated sludge process--a kind of coagulating sedimentation technology;

4、Yogurt is fresh dairy product that must be stored in the refrigerator.

5、There exist some consumption unbalance between city and countryside and different places. Income level, dairy product price and consumption habit are the main factors on dairy products consumption.

6、Grain, vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat, dairy product, nut and oil should be taken in at a reasonable proportion.

7、Eat food with amino acid in supper such as dairy product, legume, peanut, poultry and leafy greens.

8、But what they don't tell you is that virtually every soy cheese product on the market is made with a dairy product.

9、Highlights from this annual report include many details about world trends in milk production, processing, trade and consumption, as well as farm milk and wholesale dairy product prices.

10、These decomposition products will cause the dairy products change relish, drop quality, shorten guarantee period, thus having serious impact on product quality and harming consumer's health finally.

11、It's better to take more food which can remove heat, ease thirst and soothe the nerves, such as sesame, honey, white fungus, dairy product, vegetable, fruit, etc.

12、"Chinese dairy product demand will continue to grow faster than local production, requiring additional whole milk powder imports through 2011," the report said.

13、While many simple breads are a-OK, containing just four ingredients (flour, yeast, water, and salt) many breads and baked goods are made with whey (a dairy product) or with butter, eggs, or sugar.

14、Leben, is the healthy dairy product that people often drinks, leben but adding supplemental a calcium , nursing belly's health and so on, a lot of benefit is delighted in talking about by person.

15、A: Excuse me.where are the dairy products?

16、Milk and cream are major dairy products.

17、Manufacture and trend of liquid dairy products;

18、an establishment where dairy products are sold.

19、Boost acquaintance of quality and implement all-round safe dairy and dairy products system;

20、Major End-Use Markets: Beverages, confections, baked goods, dairy products.

21、Milk, dairy products - hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy. Leads to upset stomach and diarrhea.

22、Agriculture: rice, corn, root crops, citrus; dairy products.

23、Determination of hydroxyproline in dairy products using amino acid analyzer

24、Always check the expiry date on dairy products, especially milk.

25、For example, some people find that dairy products cause diarrhea.

26、The Empress Dowager uses more than 100 kilograms of milk every day for various dairy products, dairy products and drinks.

27、Electronic nose was used for analyzing flavor of different matrix dairy products: milk, cream, and dairy flavoring.

28、Although the rapid growth of the liquid dairy industry ascribes mainly to the white dairy production, the whole industry would be impacted if the growth of white dairy production was stopped.

29、Dairy stores could boast of the rich range of dairy products – milk, kefir, sour acidophilus milk, ryazhenka (fermented baked milk), sour cream.