1、Don't worry. I've been put up to all their tricks.

2、The state will put up to $3, 000 towards mortgage refinancing.

3、more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.

4、She was angry that there was no sign put up to warn people about the hole.

5、During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.

6、Fund managers, who allocated a pittance to commodities a few years ago, now put up to 5% of their cash into them.

7、Ge Jie and her boys graduated from university to work, the mother of a post on the nearby farmers market stalls were put up to maintain life.

8、It has been put up to detect the event using the chaotic oscillator detection system for the seismic prospecting data with additive noise.

9、For the seismic prospecting data with additive noise, it has been put up to deal with the data using the chaotic oscillator system.

10、The control association is defined as MEGACO Control Association in the present paper. The control association state machine is put up to manage control association.