1、silver wedding anniversary

2、our wedding anniversary

3、a wedding anniversary

4、Today is our wedding anniversary.

5、My wedding anniversary is tomorrow.

6、Jesus! It's our wedding anniversary.

7、A wedding anniversary;the anniversary of the founding of Rome.

8、Today is my parents' 30th wedding anniversary.

9、Today is our golden wedding anniversary.

10、They are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary.

11、Benjamin: It's our wedding anniversary, honey.

12、Shirley: My dear, tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.

13、We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.

14、They'll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.

15、We had a party to celebrate Mother's silver wedding anniversary.

16、She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.

17、On your golden wedding anniversary, their golden wedding anniversary. Greeting you, wishing you have many gold years.

18、The strange thing was, John and Diana Shared the same wedding anniversary. David's wedding anniversary was one month before this date and Jane's was one month after it.

19、On their seventh wedding anniversary in 2005, she put the antifreeze in his red wine.

20、There he hopes to toast his 13th wedding anniversary with his wife, Pamela.

21、I look forward to greeting you on your wedding anniversary. May you have many golden years.

22、This week my wife and I will mark our eighteenth wedding anniversary.

23、"Today would be her wedding anniversary," she writes at the beginning, and then evokes the scene of her daughter's summer wedding in Manhattan in 2003.

24、In 1971, two years before my father died, I threw a big party for my parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary.

25、On the evening of my wedding anniversary, I got a lovely gold bracelet, and I was very happy.

26、A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.

27、Their husband and wife have been honoring each other for fifty years, ushering in their golden wedding anniversary.

28、My parents were first to take the floor at the dance give to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.