1、The forcing enforcement is divided into enforcement on person and enforcement on item according to different objects of enforcement measures.

2、The third part of strengthening and improving the civil law enforcement measures of Baotou.

3、·The Ministry of Education issued the enforcement measures of the Teachers' Qualification Terms recently.

4、Then, on this basis to discuss the properties of an undercover investigation, which include: proactive detection, enforcement measures, secret investigation.

5、Our own YouGov poll (see chart) shows large majorities in favour of a range of enforcement measures.

6、There were many contributory factors, but high-profile local enforcement measures in conjunction with enhanced cross-border co-operation between Hong Kong and Mainland authorities have played instrumental roles.

7、With respect to the issues passed on by the customs offices in the course of execution of tax exemption and reduction policies, for the purpose of unifying the law enforcement measures,