1、unitary transformation group

2、We discuss a modified ESB algorithm via a unitary transformation. The algorithm has the overall computational load reduced extremely by means of a unitary transformation.

3、By exploiting a general unitary transformation, the fidelity of clones is derived.

4、The discussions and results mentioned above can also be transplanted to unitary transformation.

5、For the unitary transformation, one of the most important characteristic quantity is fidelity.

6、Further theoretical analysis indicates that there is a conversation law only when unitary transformation symmetry group exist.

7、Method of the time dependent unitary transformation is one of powerful tools for the study of the time dependent system.

8、The variational relations of the internal excited states of polaron with coupling strength and magnetic field were derived by using the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.

9、Interactions not contained in the original Hamiltonian are generated by this unitary transformation. With an average field approximation, we can close the flow equations.

10、After the matter has come to your home, quantum computing does this kind of unitary transformation to the mass, using the same material to reconstruct it.

11、The properties of bound magnetopolaron with strong electron-LO phonon coupling were studied using a linear combination operator and a unitary transformation method in an asymmetry quantum dot.

12、The influences of Coulomb field on the properties of strong-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum wire are studied by using the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation methods.

13、As multiple-quantum operator algebra theory mentioned, any unitary transformation can be decomposed into a sequence of a limited number of one-qubit quantum gates and two-qubit diagonal gates.

14、In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.