1、his own peculiar way of doing things

2、Changes in M2 are limited in a peculiar way.

3、The dispute broke into the open in a peculiar way.

4、She quirked her head in a peculiar way.

5、Her eyes were shaded by long black eyelashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way.

6、He looked at her in such a peculiar way that she realised she had failed.

7、Those who are superstitious usually think they can communicate with such force through some peculiar way.

8、Then, as you'll happily and unavoidably discover, all that "focus" business has a peculiar way of taking care of itself.

9、Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in most peculiar way,

10、And the haze seemed to be creeping forward. So when he stared at Connie in his peculiar way, giving her his peculiar, precise information, she felt all the background of his mind filling up with mist, with nothingness. And it frightened her. It made him seem impersonal, almost to idiocy.

11、In northern England York City marry him rather peculiar way, inherit a legacy of the ancient folk, girls mature, the need to get married, they wear tight clothes of different colors to indicate male.

12、I think I was born with some sort of sensibility that manifested in this particular and a rather peculiar way, and then was further shaped and channeled by a multitude of factors in my upbringing.

13、All these artists discerned with their individual sight and thinking, developed creative ideas in their own peculiar ways to express their world-view.

14、Poets and philosophers have long been attuned to the fact that the quest for immortality drives much of humanity's peculiar ways.