1、Arrive and leave on time.

2、Will this flight leave on time?

3、 The steamers for Shanghai leave on Wednesday.

4、We had to leave on the morrow.

5、 The officer reported back from leave on Sunday night.

6、The inbound light all leave on the hour.

7、The officer reported back from leave on Sunday night.

8、The first plane is due to leave on October 2.

9、We want to leave on the eleventh of August.

10、Make sure the current is switched off at the mains before you leave on holiday.

11、While still unset, press crushed honeycomb against chocolate and leave on greaseproof paper to dry.

12、They shut off the gas and electricity In their house before leave on holiday

13、We leave them in the mud or after stepping in a puddle, but the ecological footprints that we leave on the Earth are far more important.

14、Be there any seat leave on the express bus for sacramento?

15、If you ever lose your way, I'll leave one on for you!

16、Apply thin layer, leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Follow with Blue Green Algae Facial Toner.

17、Either massage product into the skin or leave on as a masque. Remove with a damp face cloth.

18、It seems as though the boat would leave on schedule despite the danger of ice in the channel.

19、Advertising in books - the tangible things that you put on your shelf or leave on your coffee table - seems weird. But e-books aren't a possession.

20、On the contrary, consider the possible 'footprint' your software may leave on a client's systems: preference files, log files, data sets, configuration files, trace files; you name it.

21、Never leave one's home

22、To leave one's hometown

23、leave oneself wide open

24、Even before I knew I was pregnant, he had said to me, "you can get your work done and leave on time."

25、Xiao Yang responded instantly. Cheng Hao must leave on the excuse of talking to his brother and sister. He raised his hand and wanted to withdraw.

26、This had followed the drunken, violent and hugely emotional last night of a gang of Royal Navy recruits about to leave on a 6-month NATO exercise.