1、The lamppost blew down last night.

2、The car banged up a lamppost.

3、the dog cocked its leg up against the lamppost.

4、lamppost of base metal whether or not fittedwith electric parts

5、She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.

6、He lost control of his car and ran it into a lamppost.

7、The dog cocked its leg (against the lamppost), ie in order to urinate.

8、Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamppost while handcuffed.

9、He lost control of the car and smashed into a lamppost.

10、The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a lamppost.

11、The PRI candidate’s face is plastered across every lamppost and taxi window in some towns in the state.

12、As such, finding a spot to lock it up on London's busy streets is a cinch - you simply wrap it around the nearest lamppost.

13、As I stepped out of the door, I suddenly saw the moonlight sky, the large vault, the circular square of the city council, Maria's lamppost and the church.

14、Without it, politicians routinely get away with using statistics, as Mark Twain supposedlyobserved, the way a drunk uses a lamppost: for supportrather than illumination.

15、If my student is careening around the warm-up arena, hanging on the REINS like a drunk on a lamppost, I have to do something right now to make that horse and rider safer.

16、You can visit them with a group and guide, or else simply surrender to serendipity and hunt for the straw wreaths that hang from a door top or lamppost, a signal that hospitality awaits.

17、A few things — including a lamppost — were falsely identified as faces in my photo albums, and it even requested name labels for the faces in photos I took of Renoir paintings.

18、BERLIN (Reuters) - A German cyclist lied to police about being mugged because he was afraid to tell his wife the truth: he rode into a lamppost while drunk and injured himself.