1、One of the most troubling of these problems is the impact of race on jury selection.

2、But as recently as in 1968, jury selection procedures conflicted with these democratic ideals.

3、And what possessed me to let him in on jury selection?

4、The Taylor decision also declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered states to use the same procedures for selecting male and female jurors.

5、Lawyers for Michael Jackson revealed a celebrity-packed list of 370 potential witnesses in the child molesting case against him on Monday, as jury selection began in earnest in a small courtroom here.

6、In the part of the design, the jury selection, player performance, performance became vulgar, departuring from the basic orientation of positive and healthy and damaging the image of television.

7、A 15-year-old boy pleaded guilty Tuesday in the killing of a high school official and the wounding of two others under a plea deal announced after jury selection for his trial had started.

8、The case against accused cop shooter Larry Davis took another bizarre turn yesterday as a Bronx judge dismissed a panel of six jurors and ordered jury selection to begin anew.