1、Horizontal rotated text will become regular text.

2、Fit text will be lost. Text will be spaced as regular text.

3、Document grid is not supported. Text will be spaced as regular text.

4、"Smart ASCII" is a text format that USES a few spacing conventions to distinguish types of text blocks such as headers, regular text, quotations, and code samples.

5、Drop Cap will be removed and initial character will appear as regular text.

6、FileInputStream represents a file that might not be made of regular text.

7、Equations, combined characters, enclosed characters and phonetic guides will appear as regular text.

8、Flexible Box Layout (a. k. a. Flexbox) or display: inline-block and regular text wrapping can help with that.

9、In this example, 2001 and mountain Bikes are in bold text since they represent subtotals whereas the individual mountain bike models are in regular text since they are at the lowest level of detail.

10、You can also use HTML just as you would in any other Web document to format the regular text in your descriptions:

11、Older browsers that don't support the email input type will treat it as a regular text field, and the form still works with no markup changes or scripting hacks.