1、What is being done now? Dear.

2、Ha, ha. Heaven's will is being done."

3、What is being done about yellow fever?

4、Because of research being done in Antarctica,

5、You may rest assured that everything possible is being done.

6、What is being done to help survivors cope psychologically?

7、Even after congressional revisions, too little is being done.

8、What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way.

9、It is being done by physical means, and those referred to as diplomatic which are being negotiated by our Allies.

10、Fruitful research is now being done in the area of cognitive psychology and behavioral neuroscience.

11、In vain did David try to stop the job from being done.

12、I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life.

13、But we do care about drooling and research is being done on the field.

14、Open sourcing the products is being done to accelerate adoption of Flex.

15、Then they watched videos of someone else doing simple actions - some of which they had done and some they had only seen being done.

16、This constant feedback cycle enables the team to continuously improve the quality of the work being done, and the product being developed.

17、CTA spokeswoman Katelyn Thrall says it isn't clear what caused the derailment and an investigation is being done.

18、Most of the bulk buying that's been happening is being done by individual investors, who are seeking great investment opportunity.

19、There was also gruesome evidence on Thursday of the damage being done by the recession to the public finances.

20、Many exciting and experimental things in theatre are also being done in university theatres and community centers.

21、When it's being done by wealthy First-World nations, I think that's exploitative and I have a problem with it.

22、In some places, such as Britain, this is being done by moral suasion only; elsewhere, as in Italy, Banks may be forced to lend.

23、The Emporia plant remains open and continues to produce new food, according to a Menu Foods spokesperson, who adds that safety tests are being done around the clock.

24、Maybe we can do is not much, but as long as the little things from the health side are being done, then tomorrow will be a new world.

25、With theory as the forerunner and material as the basis, the writing of this dictionary is being done under the direction of linguistics, lexis and lexicology theory.

26、On the bright side, in all the research being done on causes, we have discovered something related to how starfish populations might affect coral reef diversity.

27、In 1932, one party hack wrote that the fragment of Lenin's brain was being kept under intolerable security conditions, without guards, and that no work was being done on the brain in Berlin.

28、For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human—or even a perfect tomato.

29、Or should we take seriously the spirit of competition being done to benefit the horse's training and become more vocal about pushing for standards and judging at every level that reflect the classical ethic?