1、A gesture of beckoning or summons.

2、Novelty was beckoning to them as usual.

3、The prospect of a month without work was beckoning her.

4、Very enviable, is very beckoning and can not help.

5、An even more beautiful future is beckoning us on.

6、"C'mon baby, " said Naci, beckoning me to follow.

7、He saw the Justice, a shabby, collarless, graying man in spectacles, beckoning him.

8、An entirely new era, the era of knowledge economy, is beckoning us on.

9、By seeing their true essence, you are gently summoning it and beckoning it to come forward.

10、The ushers hurry up and down the aisle, beckoning people to their seats.

11、Look, the parasol tree is sticking out its fluffy palm, like a childish child beckoning, welcoming teachers and classmates.

12、I opened the door, I said `Please', beckoning him politely to go in, then pushed him into the room.

13、On Saturday, Hideki Irabu turned out for the Columbus Clippers in an international league game against Toledo, But the Big stage, the Major League is beckoning.

14、Runing more than 2,100 miles along American's eastern seaboard, through the serene and beckoning Appalachian Mountains, the AT is the granddaddy of long hikes.

15、Suddenly a mischievous grin lights up his face. "Listen, Joe, " he says, beckoning me to move closer, "we'll take him up on it.

16、With its shaded alcoves, sparkling pools flashing with goldfish, beckoning classical pavilions, rustling bamboo and rocky recesses, Yuyuan Gardens is one of Shanghai's most eminent sights.

17、Velvet sofas are large and comfortable, beckoning you to sit down, sip from a glass of champagne, and pass one or two afternoon hours leisurely.

18、A cartoon of the Palestinian leader salutes consumers from each 25-piastre ($0.05) bag of Abu Ammar chips, beckoning them to buy the snack and support a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.

19、It's a gravity as strong as Manhattan's but the opposite kind-the beckoning of few roads and few people, the pull of a wild region large enough to have an "interior."

20、As her mother still kept beckoning to her, and arraying her face in a holiday suit of unaccustomed smiles, the child stamped her foot with a yet more imperious look and gesture.

21、Because America is essentially the land of the Etch A Sketch, and California is America but more so, beckoning dreamers who want to cook Korean tacos or convert fuel tanks into hot tubs.

22、Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss, the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log, no less shoot at a target.