1、We are told that human beings now are in a new media age -the Internet age.

2、The Internet age is a double-edged sword. It cuts both sides. We can't simply depreciate the Internet age and say nothing about it.

3、In 1991 Linus Torvalds, a Finnish software engineer, reinvented Unix for the Internet age.

4、In the Internet age, the book market is shrinking, replaced by electronic goods such as apples.

5、Internet age provides the possibility for moral quality to develope, but it results in dangers.

6、In the Internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society.

7、Advances in cloud computing, mobile computing, and collaboration tools continue to represent the double-edged sword of the Internet age.

8、Mere mechanical reproduction: How simple and even quaint modernist anxieties seem now, from the vertigo vantage of the Internet age.

9、In the Internet age, people want information packaged like fast food: served instantly, hassle-free, and in bite-size (or is that byte-size?) morsels.

10、In the new economy the functions of cities and houses will be compartmented differently with the advent of the Internet age.

11、Steganography and steganalysis are of great significance to information security in that they become very important techniques on information war in the Internet age.

12、The Internet age is an era in which information is particularly easy to deviate, in which the opinions of a few people are regarded as the opinions of the majority, and in which many people can speak but are irresponsible.

13、Living in the Internet age, we find ourselves more and more frequently confronting information systems that fail the relational database litmus: We can neither define information in advance, nor can we reliably stick to any definition we might conjure up.