1、Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia?

2、How to prevent the generation of leukaemia?

3、And he had leukaemia as well.

4、Q: Is there evidence that mercury is associated with leukaemia?

5、Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia commonly presents as fever, pallor and lethargy.

6、Or worse even, could it contribute to leukaemia ?

7、Unusual increase can have leucocyte how many odds gets leukaemia.

8、Viruses may cause up to 40 percent of cancers including brain tumours and leukaemia, scientists claim.

9、In the 1980s, his mental state deteriorated further when his only son, Philip Junior, contracted leukaemia.

10、Often give nosebleed, whether to drop hair, vomiting to also belong to one of leukaemia omen excuse me?

11、All profits made will go towards 15 year old Han Xinlong who was diagnosed with leukaemia 6 months ago.

12、Specialists at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge diagnosed leukaemia and he was immediately put on a course of chemotherapy.

13、This is a very significant advance in our understanding the complex process by which children develop leukaemia.

14、Human umbilical cord blood (UCB) has plenty of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and can be used in the cure of leukaemia, malignancy and thalassemia major.

15、I am sorry, doctor, I do not care with the wrong report, in-the-money is not leukaemia, he was only intestinal bad.

16、Harnessing the power of the immune system to cure and protect patients from leukaemia is one of our priority areas of research.

17、While Halsey is in remission, his wife is still battling leukaemia and Wenger wished them both well when he spoke to reporters at his pre-match press conference.

18、One of them will be able to distinguish about 20 different subtypes of leukaemia, and a second will be able to pinpoint mutations in the p53 gene, which can affect a cancer patient's prognosis.

19、However, doctors have warned her that a heart transplant is risky and that, even if it succeeded, the drugs used to prevent her body rejecting the new heart could prompt a recurrence of the leukaemia.

20、Although the cancers were not the same - the baby had a lymphoma and is now in remission - the Japanese doctors suspected a link to the leukaemia that had killed her mother.