1、In addition, WEP contains numerous bug fixes, leading to a smoother experience using WEP.


3、o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n with WPA, WPA2, WEP, 802.1X authentication(1)

4、WEP uses CRC 32 checking code inside the RC4 encipher system to provide message integrity check.

5、Parameter optimization of WEP model and its application to the upstream of Han River

6、The project's tools include iwconfig to configure parameters like WEP keys and SSIDs in the WLAN driver.

7、The script USES WLAN tools and utilities to configure device driver parameters like WEP keys and SSIDs.

8、Though the early measures as SSID, ACL and WEP have guaranteed the wireless network security in the certain degree. However, these measures are still many leaks.

9、The impact of temperature and precipitation changes on annual and monthly runoff process in headwater area of the Yellow River was analyzed by using WEP-L model.

10、Apple recommends splitting the bands into two separate networks, naming them differently and making sure that both networks use the same type of security (WEP, WPA, or WPA2).


12、出于安全*考虑,WLAN的WiredEquivalentPrivacy (WEP)加密机制提供与有线网络相同的安全级别。


