1、Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres International

2、La Belle Dame Sans Merci

3、"Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten

4、Android Sans was used for the text.

5、"Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight

6、National History Park -- Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers

7、"Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven

8、Sans serif a typeface without series and constructed from strokes of nearly uniform thickness.

9、You could also select a different font than Sans if you think another one looks better.

10、I love to use Serif fonts for the titles and Sans-Serif for the body, but is just me.

11、Pour un coeur qui s’ennuie,对于苦闷的心O le chant de la pluie!啊,雨的歌!Il pleure sans raison尽这样无端地流,Dans ce coeur qui s’écoeure.流得我心好*!Quoi! nulle trahison?怎么?全无止休?Ce deuil est sans raison.这哀感也无端!C’est bien la pire peine可有更大的苦痛De ne savoir pourquoi,教人慰解无从?Sans amour et sans haine,既无爱又无憎

12、Sans toi les émotions d'aujourd'hui ne seraient que la peau morte des émotions d'autrefois.没有你,良辰美景更与何人诉说?

13、The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".

14、So he visits. Sometimes Asriel comes with him, sometimes he doesn’t. All the same, Sans lays there and waits. Frisk always reloaded after they died, see. And sometimes it would take a while, so he’s waiting. Asriel says he’s insane. He thinks he might be too.