1、If they do not match, the current user can be detected as an unauthorized user.

2、To prevent unauthorized user to access, the camera and video are protected by password.

3、Access Can an unauthorized user successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use?

4、Testing access will help you find out if an unauthorized user can successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use.

5、Eliminates a security vulnerability that might allow an unauthorized user to access your data or take malicious action against your computer.

6、Typically, a closed community site or extranet site like this presents an unauthorized user with a login page instead of the home page.

7、If an unauthorized user is allowed to gain physical access to the server, there is a potential for him to obtain secured data or to do severe damage to the server.

8、Data whose meaning is concealed from unauthorized users

9、A blank password on the listener. ora file allows unauthorized users to control the listener service.

10、In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data.

11、The read-only subpool does not let unauthorized users write into it but any process in any address space can read it.

12、Encryption is not directly related to authentication and authorization but is an important aspect of protecting data, during transit or at rest, from unauthorized users.

13、Some of our Discussion Groups are meant for particular purposes and read-only, they do not support posting by unauthorized users.

14、In-transit data is also secured by passwords so that even if a tape is lost during delivery, the data on it is not accessible to unauthorized users.

15、Under IDMS, the access to system products is controled by means of a data dictionary, and data access is controled by subscheme, so as to protect IDMS data base accessed from unauthorized users.

16、In 8100, one of two subpools that make up the common address space section (CASS). The read-only subpool does not let unauthorized users write into it but any process in any address space can read it.

17、Although a firewall permits normal traffic between the outside world and the Web server, it doesn't allow unauthorized users outside the firewall to access the content of the Web site.

18、In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.