1、Effects of growth promoting eel feed on culture of growth retarded Japanese eel and European eel

2、European eel is 0.717 andAmerican eel is 0.686. The similarity index between Japanese eel andEuropean eel is 0.557;

3、Characteristics of phototaxy and optical development of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) larva

4、Effects of several amino acids on feed intake,digestibility and growth in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica

5、The Advances of Reproductive Biology of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) and Artificial Larval Culture

6、On the problems of spawing ground, spaw-ing period of Japanese eel and the time of upsream migration of glass eel are also discussed.

7、Compared with Japanese eel, European eel has a poorer appetite for food and is susceptible to both bacterial and parasitical diseases.

8、Ecology and resource on the upstream migration elvers of Japanese eel ( Anguilla Japonica ) in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea

9、The action mechanism of exogenous gonadotropin inducing spermatogenesis and maturity of testis in Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica

10、Induced gonadal development and maturation of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) by injected 4- androstene-3,17-dione-cellulose acetate phthalate-microcapsule

11、bilo-logical aspects of elvers of Japanese eel, including determination of daily increments from otolith (sagitta), feeding habit, and ecological adaptability;