
2、The most common side effect was insomnia, somnolence, and drowsiness, which occurred in 1, 028 (2.6 percent) patients.

3、State preschool spending per child decreased by $114 to $4, 028 last year. This is almost $700 less than in 2001-2002.

4、From F-028 to F-030 the text of the rationality and the inevitability and feasibility of artificial soil technology to be republished.

5、In accordance with an agreement (project No.335-028-1028), your organization first phase (two phases, a total of 12 months) remittances is equivalent to 105, 435.16 yuan (with Bank water alone).

6、King of England (0 '-035), Denmark (08-035), and Norway (028-035) whose reign, at first brutal, was later marked by wisdom and temperance. He is the subject of many legends.

7、从F- 028到F - 030,对人造土壤技术的合理*﹑人造土壤技术的必然*﹑人造土壤技术的可行*的原文进行转载。

8、英格兰(0'- 035年)、丹麦(08- 035年)及挪威国王(028- 035年),其统治最初残暴,但后来因其睿智和宽容而出名。他是许多传奇故事的主人公。

9、022 锻鍊心灵。为此,我们看书、听音乐、欣赏戏剧、接触文化。023 成为问候高手。024 基本原则是诚实、亲切、笑容。025 不竞争。不争胜。026 经常自我投资。花钱买经验。学习不能省。027 品嚐能够温暖人心的食物。028 随时替旁人著想。行动要安静,别发出噪音。029 重要的事写在信上。练就一手好字。030 记住保持高雅仪态。双手不要*口袋。031 希望得到支持者,必须先树敌。032 瞭解孤独是身为人类的必备条件。033 随时保持手指与双手乾净。034 想想那样做,能够带给他人幸福吗?035 每天换个想法。