1、(of the voice) not inflected.

2、`swam' and `boys' are inflected words; German is an inflected language.

3、the complete set of inflected forms of a verb.

4、(of verbs,nouns,etc)having normal inflected forms

5、If a dictionary entry consists of multiple terms, each individual term might be inflected.

6、Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.

7、a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form.

8、Sergeant, I should like a word with you, " said the newcomer, in a pleasantly-inflected baritone ."

9、An affix, such as dis - in disbelieve, put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form.

10、The inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached.

11、It becomes more and more obvious that the reservoirs of infection reside completely, or almost completely, in the inflected pigs.

12、As shown below, each line in every file provided will be transformed into an inflected alphanumeric string.

13、He's had, in other words, a ringside seat for some of the biggest tech-inflected changes in the journalism world, as an observer, a practitioner and a theorist.

14、A word or word element from which another word is derived by morphological or historical processes or from which inflected forms are derived.

15、Conclusion The value of IBS can reflect the pathological changes of hepatic parenchyma of children inflected with schistosome and predict the degree of hepatic fibrosis.

16、The crack of crack inflected the stability of the Grotto, and the effect of water prick up the effloresce of the cultural relics in the Grotto.

17、The crack of crack inflected the stability of the grotto and the effect of water prick up the effloresce of the cultural relics in the grotto.

18、Chris quickly established himself as the on-court leader of Team USA, from developing a salute-inflected high-five with LeBron to logging major minutes in their world tour.