1、Can I borrow your lecture notes ?

2、This course features a complete set of lecture notes and scribe notes for all sessions in the lecture notes section.

3、Students will be asked to scribe lecture notes.

4、So from now on, you learn to lecture notes.

5、This course includes a detailed set of lecture notes.

6、Professors should be discouraged from reading lecture notes.

7、This course features selected lecture notes associated with lecture content and readings.

8、The lecture notes section includes full instructions for role-play simulations, and class exercises with discussion questions or instructor's notes.

9、Some read from old lecture notes and then haltingly explained the thumb-worn last lines.


11、This graduate level course on Nonlinear Dynamics features lecture notes, problem sets, exams, and related resources.

12、An extensive set of lecture notes and full problem sets are available in PDF format.

13、Below is a selection of lecture notes that approximate chronologically the topics and themes listed on the calendar.

14、This section provides links to lecture notes for the course, along with corresponding reading assignments and supplementary materials.

15、When I came back from seeing them out, I noticed that Clarissa was glancing through some lecture notes.

16、I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.

17、Of course I'll pass; I've already prepared for it, read all those lecture notes on physical geography from the department.

18、This course features selected lecture notes. In addition to assignments, a projects section is also available. The course also features an extensive list of readings and related resources.

19、This building technology laboratory class includes a complete array of lecture notes, assignments, and LABS. Included are several helpful tools for use on the lab projects.

20、These lecture notes for the first twelve lectures were taken by a student. Equations and other helpful materials are also provided.

21、This course site features a full set of lecture notes as well as assignments and supporting documentation for the course's term project and LABS.

22、This undergraduate course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in" continuous" applied mathematics. The website features problem sets, lecture notes, and study materials.

23、If you have a better idea for a term paper for instance, if you think that one of the chapters in the lecture notes does a bad job of explaining things, and that you could do a better job!

24、But before I start, on the lecture notes 25, there were a couple typos in there that actually didn't make any difference to the final result because they cancel each other out.