1、Dzongkha is the national language and lingua franca.

2、Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa.

3、HTML5 is the latest iteration of this lingua franca.

4、English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia.

5、Will the Mandarin speakers rank first or will English take the lead in global lingua franca?

6、Yet Ostler takes the view that by around 2050 no global lingua franca will be needed.

7、Tiger is at the tee. The lingua franca of the world is a cheer.

8、Except that English is its chief lingua franca and Newspeak its official language, it is not centralized in any way.

9、A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern Congo, western Zaire, and northern Angola.

10、In practice, however, English, the mother tongue of only 8% of South Africans, has taken over as the lingua franca.

11、However you use it — informally, formally, extensively, or casually — UML is the lingua franca of software development.

12、There are, in fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca.

13、The lingua franca that is increasingly spanning the globe is a tongue-twisting accounting-speak that is forcing even Americans to rethink some precious notions of financial sovereignty.

14、It became a lingua franca in India, where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a whole-country system problematic.

15、The Bantu language of the Swahili that is the official language of Tanzania and is widely used as a lingua franca in eastern and east-central Africa.

16、Across the southern Mediterranean and northern Europe alike, Latin was the lingua franca-1, 500 years before anyone had coined the term.

17、At the mention of Monte Cristo Dantès started with joy; he rose to conceal his emotion, and took a turn around the smoky tavern, where all the languages of the known world were jumbled in a lingua franca.

18、Legislators in Bishkek, the capital, spend much of their time arguing about when and where to speak Kyrgyz and refuse to speak Russian, still the lingua franca between ethnic groups.

19、It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language.