1、Kicking- leg extension, hip abduction, hip adduction.

2、Physical examination showed abnormal abduction and limited adduction of the shoulder joint.

3、Pelvini Obturoria Neurotomy to treat spastic cerebral palsy with hip adduction deformity

4、In Chinese rhetoric, adduction rhetoric is applied widespread long time ago.

5、In essence responding to anti-dumping investigation is the job about accounting adduction, and professional accounting issues are involved in.

6、The second part focuses on cognitive psychology of simile, metonymy, adduction and pun from the angle of relocatable thinking.

7、Objective To evaluate the efficacy of modified arytenoid adduction in the management of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis.

8、Frame #15: Left arm adduction is nearly complete as the right leg begins to kick to eventually counter-balance left arm extraction.

9、In the adduction of proof to the contrary, the legitimate interests of defendants in protecting their manufacturing and business secrets shall be taken into account.

10、Outcome measures of stiffness, strain, and lateral displacement were determined at 25-degree adduction, 25-degree abduction, 25-degree flexion, and 90-degree flexion.

11、Twenty eight cases were divided into four groups to undergo main branch and branch of ansa cervicalis nerve anastomosis, and nerves implantation and neuromuscular pedicles transfer respectively for restoration of vocal cord adduction on left sides.

12、From these results mentioned above,it can be concluded that the arytenoid adduction operation might be one of the most effective operative methods to improve glottal incompetence caused by laryngeal nerve paralysis.

13、If you passed the certificate series exam that the manufacturer asks, but the certificate that in 6 ~ 8 weeks of adduction go to to be sent directly by the manufacturer.

14、Conclusions In atypical cases, the retraction of the globe in adduction was not obvious and the diagnosis of DRS must be differentiated from the following ocular motility disorders, namely, abducens nerve palsy, Mebius syndrome, congenital oculomotor apraxia and congenital or infantile esotropia.