1、This explains why some Banks maintain an approved list of beneficiaries to mitigate this risk.

2、Countries including Japan, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Argentina have an approved list of names from which parents must choose.

3、The approved list will be handled right away, and the unapproved list can be sent for further investigation.

4、The approved list of contractors for any type of services you wish to utilise for your subcontract can be obtained any time from Alba Purchasing.

5、The MOU saw the US granted "Approved Destination Status" after years of negotiation, making it the 134th country on China's approved list.

6、Linda first thought about TT in the late 80s, when she learned it was on the approved list for continuing nursing education in Colorado.

7、On the approved list are romantic excursions, novels, lingerie, jewelry, something fragrant, such as rose bath oil, and something soft and snuggly, like cashmere.