1、Another new classification of civil juristic act--On the relation between real right act theory and civil juristic act;

2、Article 62 a civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic ACTS shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met.

3、Article57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted.

4、The establishment of civil juristic act must be based upon an agreement of parties concerned and its starting point is at the existence of a juristic act.

5、A civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic acts shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met.

6、The civil law can the autonomous foundation lie in it to have the intrinsic civil juristic act adjustment mechanism.

7、Is precisely the civil juristic act intrinsic adjustment mechanism, safeguarded the civil law to be able autonomous.

8、"A civil juristic act shall be the lawful act of a citizen or legal person to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations."

9、The requirements of establishment and validity of civil juristic act actually reflect the relationship between private rights and public power, or between civil society and political state.

10、A civil juristic act shall meet the following requirements: (1) the actor has relevant capacity for civil conduct; (2) the intention expressed is genuine; and (3) the act does not violate the law or the public interest.

11、A civil juristic act shall be legally Binding once it is instituted. The actor shall not alter or rescind his act except in accordance with the law or with the other party's consent

12、Any civil juristic acts performed by a person with capacity for civil conduct during the period in which he has Been declared dead shall Be valid.