1、Options Valuating of FBM Model Based on the Martingale Method;

2、System control processor and FBM component provide dual DC supply.

3、Performance Evaluation of Network Traffic Based on FBM

4、A Fast Algorithm for Terrain Simulation Using Wavelet Based on FBM Fractal Features

5、Methods: 5 parameters including NST, FBM, FM, FT, AFV were applied to biophysical score to monitor fetal situation.

6、(3) On the basis of fractal theory, the terrain simulation is systematically studied and carried out using fractal Brown motion (FBM) method.

7、It has been shown that, the above three parameters can characterize a surface, and the stimulated profiles based on FBM agree well with the real profiles.

8、So this research concentrates on two aspects: 1. Adjusting traditional hypothesis of B-S economy by introducing Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM).

9、With comfortable and adjustable suspenders, the FBM offers leg coverage down to the calves and is made of our F5 certified fabric. It is a great choice following an abdominal, back, or leg procedure.

10、方法:用胎心监护仪作NST试验,用B超观察FBM、FM、FT、AFV ,该5个指标联合用于监测胎儿宫内状态。

11、It is difficult to simulate natural phenomena such as: rain, snow, lightning etc in real-time in simulation system using FBM and L-system because they are irregular, dynamic and random.