1、Matter is in constant motion and constant change.

2、This water is in constant motion.

3、Everything in the universe is in constant motion.

4、It is well known that matter is in constant motion and constant change.

5、The earth is in constant motion, no one will forever stay in a bad spot.

6、Not only the planets but also the sun is in constant motion.

7、Qiis in constant motion and change, and has no specific shape.

8、There are 7 major crustal plates on earth, about 80 km thick, all in constant motion.

9、Owing to their position on the surface of the heart, the coronary arteriesare in constant motion.

10、Electrons are in constant motion around the nucleus, while the protons and neutrons move within the nucleus.

11、The world is in constant motion while what remains unchanged is the aspiration after a wonderful life.

12、The Tao functions in this manner: All things and phenomena are in constant motion and change, in the process of which they are transformed into their own opposites.

13、In the theory of plate tectonics, one of the sections into which the earth's crust is divided and that is in constant motion relative to other plates, which are also in motion.

14、Since the markets are in constant motion, this money is also constantly flowing, which makes the possibilities for success greatly magnified and seemingly within your grasp.

15、LA JOLLA, CA our eyes are in constant motion. Even when we attempt to stare straight at a stationary target, our eyes jump and jiggle imperceptibly.

16、On the map of modern Britain, with giant supermarkets and depots joined up by motorways, his lorries were like bright ants in constant motion between them.

17、A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.

18、As we all know who is the essential element of the ecosystem in a statement to the media in constant motion, not the water cycle there is no biological way of cycling.

19、Not only do the inhabitants of this beautiful region love spending time outdoors, they are in constant motion with farming and hiking and spending time with family and friends.