1、The mass rally was a total fiasco.

2、The time of the mass rally has been notified on the bulletin board.

3、It was unexpected that he ended his campaign in a mass rally in Grand Rapids.

4、A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan.

5、ECI joined mass rally in Rome: Delegitimization of Israel needs to be countered with historical facts and truth.

6、In the Siberian city of Krasnojarsk, Lebed, who was likely to be elected President, delivered a speech to the mass rally.

7、This mass rally against Wang Ching-wei, held in Yenan on February 1, unanimously resolves, in righteous indignation, to denounce his treason and capitulation and to wage the War of Resistance Against Japan to the very end.