1、Provide executives with project sponsor information, not project management information.

2、In general, the project sponsor is the person funding the project.

3、When you define the project, you make sure that you have an agreement with the project sponsor on what work should be completed in this project.

4、Your project will go through a period like that, too, and the project sponsor probably doesn't want his employer to divorce him!

5、The project sponsor is a senior executive in a corporation who is responsible to the business for the success of the project.

6、A single channel of communication must exist between the project sponsor and the project team leader for all decisions affecting the product scope.

7、As the project manager, you must make sure that the work is properly understood and agreed to by the project sponsor and key stakeholders before the project work begins.

8、Under such international and domestic financial conditions, the project sponsor will face more great challenges in the management of financial risks of PPP projects.

9、A trusted relationship with an architect and a project sponsor is a good start, but is no substitute for a well-articulated ladder of responsibilities.

10、What are some creative ways to work with an international project sponsor who may not be receptive to the actual needs of the community or who has already selected a specific type of project?

11、Banks will thus always take a conservative stance when evaluating the economic viability of a project and may look to the project sponsor to provide corporate guarantees for the loan.

12、In the end, if the software your team makes doesn't provide value to the business, it's not worth whatever your project sponsor paid for it — a fact he'll eventually discover.

13、Report progress and project successes to TRF and project sponsors.