1、Select the fields to sort by, their sort order, and their sort direction.

2、Let's try to sort out the mess.

3、The Palestinians need to sort themselves out.

4、She tried to sort out her proBlems.

5、{No sort is defined.}You must select at least one field by which to sort in the Sort By box.

6、A very practical feature of sort is its ability to sort using field keys.

7、It's necessary to educate children to sort the garbage.

8、Select the column head to sort by location.

9、Select the column head to sort by version.

10、There are still some technical difficulties to sort out.

11、Select the column head to sort by component type.

12、After store receive need sort materials﹐ and take it put in" stay handle place" or send to sort department.

13、She went to a psychiatrist to try to sort out her problems.

14、India has to try to keep a balance to sort of... relationship and...

15、It'll take considerable time to sort out the marks of talc powder in the holds. The best way is to sort them out ashore.

16、Experience had taught him to let Moth try to sort things out on her own.

17、The typical consumer of agent private memory is the sort heap memory that is used by the agent to sort rows during query execution.

18、The query tool gives me the ability to sort by different views.

19、After a few minutes of this, people started calling for the projectionist to sort it out.

20、People are advised to sort their rubbish to make it easier for the waste to be recycled.

21、As a former chancellor of the exchequer, Mr Brown is well placed to try to sort out Britain's fiscal mess.

22、In addition, there are also references to an "icebox-inbox" and the ability to sort mail by priority.

23、You will be able to sort items in an album by rating (both ascending and descending) if you wish to.

24、The default option for generating the code is to sort by visibility order. The sort by visibility order dumps the code generated by the transform according to its visibility.

25、Notice that this version even makes use of recursiveness in itself, calling itself twice, once to sort the left-hand side of the list, and once again to sort the right-hand side of the list.

26、Are you boring and have no idea to sort a mass of files on your computer? A new tool has been developed to sort all of your files easily.

27、Sometimes they can be so sudden and powerful that it's hard to sort out exactly what you're feeling.

28、I would sooner it didn't come for a week, just give me time to sort things out.

29、Data Studio Administrator provides an array of views that enable you to sort and filter your database objects.