1、He was tapped for police commissioner.

2、Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner.

3、As Ray Kelly, New York's police commissioner, noted, "they're resilient."

4、The police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn't been found.

5、Federal police commissioner Edgar Millan Gomez provided details on the results of the raids.

6、The provincial police commissioner, Perumal Naidoo, has paid tribute to his men who died in the shoot-out.

7、Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation.

8、As the boat glided to shore, a police commissioner gestured to the birds, the trees and the young men with uniformly shaved heads fetching water from the beach and said, “Welcome to our Hawaii.”