
2、Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of primary gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (PGI-NHL).

3、The Gene Encoding Putative Glucose-6-phosphate Isomerase (PGI) is Required for Full Virulence of Xamthomonas Campestris pv. campestris;

4、Objective To analyze the zymogram of peroxidase (per) and phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) of three species of Sarcocystis.

5、目的探讨原发*胃肠道非霍奇金淋巴瘤(PGI - NHL)的诊断及治疗。

6、Objective To investigate the protective effects of Puerarin and glucose injection (PGI) on the myocardium during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury (MIRI) and its mechanism.

7、Inheritance of PGI isozymes in chestnut species was analyzed using isoelectric focusing on thin layer polyacrylamide slab gels and single tree progeny method.


9、即使时瑶曾经无数个日夜里,幻想过自己有一天真的有机会见到Legend,她要对他说些什么,尽管那些话,时瑶记得很熟悉,可是此刻的她,面对主持人递上来的话筒,还是泛起了丝丝的紧张。 时瑶沉思了几秒,将想说的话,在心底默默地过了一遍,然后才开了口:“Legend……不管你是现在的功成名就,还是将来的落魄江湖,你都是我心中的光芒万丈。” “我不是你的队友,不能为你两肋插*,但我可以为你摇旗呐喊。” “只要是你的梦,就是我的梦,我要永远都当你的小迷妹。” “最后,PGI世界联赛加油,希望你可以拿下绝地求生这款游戏的第一个世界冠*!”