1、Sheila looked up at me with concern.

2、The two sides noted with concern the latest developments with regardto the Iranian nuclear issue.

3、To survey the world with concern, to look with anxiety at the world's ills

4、Second, with concern about copyright, there are manybooks are not available in digital form, especially classics.

5、Everybody was filled with concern when news came that the ship was sinking.

6、He looks on with concern as the new P.I. crew moves into the guards' room.

7、Meanwhile, policymakers are watching with concern the unfolding of the Greek debt crisis.

8、Today, Japan can look back half a century with nostalgia and pride, yet look ahead with concern.

9、With concern, friendship is more than a kind of happiness, with concern, love is more than a thread of Acacia. Worrying is the dialogue of the soul, the call of the soul and the response of the soul.

10、When someone tells you about their dog dying, you should listen with concern, because that's what they are seeking.

11、When he comes back late at night, not with a voice, but with concern, when he is not connected for a long time, you wait patiently, not with hysterical criticism.

12、Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London says that "hubris has been replaced with concern", and he suggests the present approach is "throwing good money after bad".

13、Move everything to one side of the room. Ask your roommate if he knows how much an elephant weighs, and look at the floor on the empty side of the room with concern.