1、User goals and cognitive processing

2、Emotional stimulus in visual cognitive processing;

3、Graph and table processing refer to human cognitive processing of information in graph and table.

4、The latest ability tests of elementary cognitive processing facets are including working memory test and processing speed test.

5、The cognitive processing of human being has close relationship to the information obtaining, conversing, transmitting and processing.

6、Children of different ages and psychological characteristics of cognitive processing is not the same.

7、AIM: To evaluate the behavioral and psychological deviation by using social cognitive processing theory.

8、Our study indicates that the high-level cognitive processing of music affects automatic processing that occurs early in the processing stream and fundamentally shapes sensory circuitry.

9、Graph and table, as important information representation modes, had been applied broadly. Graph and table processing refer to human cognitive processing of information in graph and table.

10、Processing speed and working memory, the two basic cognitive processing factors have close relationships with the difference in the intelligence test scores.

11、Using ASL 501 Model eye-tracker system, the study investigated the characteristics of the cognitive processing of Advertisement information.

12、Therefore, concept can be considered as basic unit of thinking and main substance of cognitive processing by human beings.

13、Watching a 3d movie can more than double the concentration powers and cognitive processing of children, new research claims.

14、This article explores the characteristics of cognitive processing and eye movement of children with learning difficulties in the process of their watching pictures.

15、Scientists consider the ability to use a mirror a sign of complex cognitive processing and an indication of a certain level of awareness.

16、Psychologists have done a lot for the research on semantic representation model of lexical and its influential factors by the method of cognitive processing and neural connection.

17、This suggests we have a beam of attention that is independent of gaze directionsweeping across our visual field, enhancing the cognitive processing of things that are most relevant to us.

18、Any time we count on these external memory devices, we're taking away from the kind of mental cognitive processing that might help us actually remember that stuff on our own.

19、Sheldon, what are you doing out of bed? Sheldon Now! Do it! You know you need your sleep in order for your cognitive processing to perform at optimum levels.