1、The children are learning how to count.

2、There is none to count thy minutes.

3、I won't forget to count eleven.

4、He is too busy to count on him to help.

5、The people at Control have already begun to count down.

6、Without electricity can keep count value, after electrify continue to count, such as frequency, can achieve count by reset button reset.

7、To examine this, the researchers asked one group of participants to count out eighty $100 bills and another group to count eighty worthless pieces of paper.

8、Last week, it was reset to count down to November 8, not to October 25.

9、If, however, you managed to count more than 39 different colours shown on the spectrum, then you may have to count again.

10、DOES an activity have to get you out of breath to count as exercise?

11、David: Yeah, it's going to count from zero 100 up to one hundred percent.

12、When using LOC, it is important to count only those artifacts that contribute logic to test.

13、When this probe fires, you want to count the number of invocations and emit this count with an indication of the calling process ID (PID).

14、If it is, a variable is incremented to count all deviations for the current sample.

15、How much money do you need to count as wealthy in the first place?

16、to rely on for support; to enlist somebody's help; to count on for support; to seek the assistance of

17、When liquid does not accord with to floating to count a standard, should send metrological service to give adjustment.

18、The weight of geophone is assumed to be too little to take into count for seismic data acquisition traditionally.

19、The boats were drawn up all along the river, too many for anyone new to the lace to count.

20、I started to write a little program with Python to count the frequency statistics for each single word.

21、The seismic shift continued to set off aftershocks almost every day, but Grant stayed to count her toads.

22、We won't have to count quite that long, but even before we count, we've got to figure out what the meter of the music is, so let's start with that now.

23、Many number systems are based on 12 because it's divisible by the most Numbers, and because you can count to 12 on one hand by using your thumb to count three knuckles on each of the other fingers.

24、Simons and Chabris asked the participants to count how many times the white team passed the ball.

25、The method to count standard deviation of indirect measurement value by using rear-average method was proposed.

26、Eat a few tablespoons a day for better heart health (but remember to count those chocolate calories!)

27、After looking at the photos, they were asked to count backward from 8, 211 by 7s, then look at another picture of a person they knew but were not in love with, then count backward again.

28、Ravens and magpies are believed to be able to count up to seven, and the crows of the Northwest drop shellfish onto hard surfaces to break them.

29、In fact, to qualify as a witness in a court of law a man had to be able to count to nine!

30、I do not know when, I began to count such a life, from unfamiliar to familiar, from familiar to unfamiliar, unavoidably succumbed to a mechanical life.