1、We really hit it off.

2、Two people hit it off.

3、I think I've hit it, Bessy.

4、He likes animals, don't hit it.

5、We hit it off straight away.

6、We really hit it off that day.

7、Both sides hit it off and agreed.

8、I hit it with the hammer and it hurts.

9、The pitcher threw the ball, but I couldn't hit it.

10、Whenever the batsman chopped at the ball, he hit it.

11、How do the newly-married couple hit it off?

12、They hit it off well (with the natives).

13、Long Xiaoqi flew off the side of the body, hit the wall hard, and then hit it on the ground.

14、"You can never lose it", scoffs the golfer, "What if you hit it into the water?"

15、Pentagon brass was concerned that it lacked the firepower to hit it.

16、If you hit it really hard and a long way, it goes over the boundary.

17、The two didn't get along in the past but now they hit it off well.

18、Mind your head! eg Be careful not to hit it on the low doorway.

19、She and Mr. Gryce would not be likely to hit it off.

20、Fred: Because right now I can't see the ball if I put it where I can hit it, and I can't hit it if I put it where I can see it.

21、My brother and my boyfriend hit it off right from the start.

22、The statue was attacked by a mad guy who hit it with a stick.

23、 The people who hit the Reef have nothing to do, but the people around them should try to avoid the reef and the people who hit it.

24、Anderson said he was going to hit it to the front post so I thought I could get it.

25、It has missed this target more often than hit it, however, and has quietly dropped mention of this goal.

26、You've already known that ice is brittle, and if you hit it with a hammer, it will shatter like glass.

27、Coincidentally, just a little cat at home and another was able to subdue it, hit it often can not fight it, bite it not also the mouth.


29、The California courts have a reputation for playing quite slow—in 2006, Martina Navratilova griped, “you hit a great volley, and the person’s got five minutes to run it down and hit it by you.”

30、Muller recalls: "I got back on the ball, turned and just hit it, and it went in." It was that simple.